Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Heading Home

Snapping Turtle heading home over the bridge at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge after laying her eggs this morning.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mom and the Twins!!!

I found the whole family together this morning just at breakfast time.  Dad was in the background, hammering away on a nearby tree.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why I Love Valley Forge

My goal today was to get a good close up of the Northern Flicker as she was flying.  I wanted to catch those beautiful wings.  I got to Valley Forge a little late, but the light in the woods was still good.  I found the flicker and set up my tripod.  He was in his nest and kept peaking out just a little.  I vowed not to be distracted by anything and just keep focusing on the flicker until he made his move.  I sat behind the lens for what seemed like forever just watching as he watched me.  Suddenly there was a commotion right in front of me, but I didn't want to take my eye off the flicker.  Out of the corner of my eye I could see the beautiful pileated woodpecker directly in front of me on an old tree trunk.

Pileated Woodpecker 
It was too good, I had to take a few shots.  The woodpecker stayed for a minute then flew off and I settled back in.   Then I heard a whole other commotion a little further away.  It sounded like a bunch of chipmunks squeaking.  I looked up again and there on far off tree was the woodpecker feeding her baby.  Oh my oh my!!  It was just a marvelous moment.

I didn't have the extender on my camera, so it was difficult to get a good close up, but I did get a few fuzzy shots.  I went back later in the day, but only the baby was in the nest.  I will try again tomorrow.
Baby Pileated Looking for Mom

Walk in the Park

Yumiko (right) and Madison this weekend as they danced in Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet's "Walk in the Park."

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Orchard Oriole's

Guess which is the female and which is the male.

So Cute When They Are Little

Baby Canada Goose at Eastern College Pond.

Kathy and Frank Come for a Visit

Our old friends Kathy Cox and Frank Bond came for a great visit over the weekend. Good time had by all.

Friday, May 11, 2012

I found the flickers again this morning and saw one go into a hole in a big old dead tree trunk (click photo for better view).  He stayed hidden for about 15 minutes, then peaked his head out and called his mate with his flicker voice.  She flew right to the spot in seconds.  Then he flew off and she took over inside the tree trunk probably sitting on the eggs.  Such joy!