Follow Kitty Kono's adventures as she makes her way through the world from Valley Forge to Just North of Antarctica and all parts in between.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Lip Contact
There was a large flock of cedar waxwings that descended upon Eastern College Pond today. Many of them pairing up and sharing breakfast. Oh too wonderful to witness. I stayed with them for a good two hours taking way too many not so good photographs. They were high up in the trees. Hope they will still be there tomorrow.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Duck Magic - Wins BEST IN SHOW!!!
I entered four photographs in the "Radnor Reflections" photography art show at the Wayne Art Center. One of them - "Duck Magic" won Best in Show!!! Ken and I were in the audience at the reception and we were both pretty blown away when my name was announced. Oh the fun of it all!!!
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Tango and the Snake
Tango brought home a little snake and played with him on the patio yesterday. I put the snake in the flower pot with a caladium leaf as background and took his picture.
The Little Green Heron Preening
I was sitting on a bench dejected that I couldn't get a good picture of the cedar waxwings at Eastern College Pond when I heard this low growling sound. I could't find it at first, but finally looked up under the leaves and there was this beautiful green heron pruning and calling for a girlfriend to come join him. (I think he is a he.) I took way too many photographs, but this was my favorite. If you click you get a better view. Reminded me of a Japanese etching.