Friday, May 24, 2019

Terns in Love

I spent three wonderful days in Cape May with two wonderful friends.  They gave me a chance to get out to the preserve and photograph the least terns who were making whoopee on the beach.
Two Terns and a Fish
"May  I offer you a little sushi?"

"Sorry it's just too small."

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Six New Finalists this Month - Woot Woot

Japanese Macaque Babies

I Love Your Perfume - Tanzania

The Complainer - Eastern College Pond Mallard

Starling in the Jaws of Wooden Monster

Flying Flickers

Baby Raven

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Are You My Mom?

I spent way too much time photographing and observing the brand new baby Canada goose Goslings at Eastern College Pond.  There were at least three different families with a brood of chicks.  One of the little goslings strayed a little too far and lost his family.  He went swimming up to another pair of geese asking for directions back to his mom.  They were curious but not helpful.  However, another kind goose did usher the little guy back to his original family.  It was amazing to see.  (Click to see expressions.)