Monday, August 19, 2019

Green Heron Gets the Frog

The green herons are all over the wetlands at Pawlings Farm.  The poor frogs and tadpoles are not having good days.  Darn....

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Today in Valley Forge

Oh the Goldfinch and the Indigo Bunting

Monday, August 5, 2019

It's Been a Long Time!

It's been quite some time since I last posted.  Sorry!  My website administrator has been in a long haul redoing his platform for all of our websites.  However, even though my own website is still stuck in neutral, I think I can post an update or two here on the blog.  So let's see if this works.  I went to Alaska for about ten days in July and had the time of my life with the great photographer Denise Ippolito and nine other people just like me.  We stayed on a little boat in Katmai National Park.  Each day we would take a skiff to the main land, wade through the water with hip waiters on, camera equipment held high and just spend hours with these marvelous creatures.  The baby brown bears and momma bears and eagles and otters and stellar sea lions were all there posing for our cameras.  Here are a few of my favorites:  Remember you can click on any one for a better view.
Baby Massage

Bear Attack

Catching Fly Balls

Mom and Babe

Bald Eagle in the Grass

Waving Hello from Alaska

Mom and Babe Eagles

Mom and Three Bears

Otter says a prayer

Reflection in Haloo Bay

Photographing the Bear

Bears doing the Two Step in Geographic Harbor

Stellar Sea Lion Taking Off