Follow Kitty Kono's adventures as she makes her way through the world from Valley Forge to Just North of Antarctica and all parts in between.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A Pair of Peregrines!!
The fields have been mown in Valley Forge and the raptors are everywhere looking for all the little critters who have suddenly been uncovered. It was such a thrill to see these two Peregrine Falcons perched in a big old dead tree in the middle of the field. And they stayed long enough to get a picture.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Valley Forge National Park in October
When I got to the parking lot at Pauling's Farm in Valley Forge I spotted the red-tailed hawk in the field. He had a little critter in his talons. He spotted me too and flew up to a branch in a nearby tree. I quickly moved over to get a shot as he turned around and gave me the evil eye. Oh such expression! (Click on him to really see that expression.)