Thursday, March 26, 2020

Birds of Charlestown Meadows

Well, as you may know, because of the Coronavirus Valley Forge National Park and Eastern College Pond have both been closed up tight.  The parking lots are roped off. I think you could even get a ticket if you are caught in Valley Forge, so.... today I just went into the woods behind Tom's house and spent a good three hours.  Oh it was so good.  So much opportunity.  I spent a good hour watching an Eastern Phoebe.  While I was photographing him, a pileated woodpecker flew directly over my head and landed on a nearby tree.  He started to dance and before I knew it another pileated landed near by on another tree.  I was not quick enough to get the two of them both well posed, but you will get the gist.  Added a few more to boot.....
Mockingbird in the Daffodils

Pileated Woodpecker
Carolina wren
Mourning Doves
Oops. That's a garter snake.....  Sorry

Pileated in Love
Red Bellied Woodpeckers Discussing Corona Virus

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Birds are Still Singing!

The Carolina wren in Valley Forge this afternoon

Friday, March 13, 2020

Bluebird and the Blossoms

Ahhh, the bluebird in Valley Forge yesterday.  I walked and walked and walked and finally there she was!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

First Date

Very warm yesterday in Valley Forge and the little chipmunks came out of their hibernation and said hello!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Poster Boy

This guy was so cooperative.  He let me get very close.