So anyway, while I found good window light yesterday at the Meiji Shrine hallway, there was another policeman there who looked me over rather suspiciously and I decided it was not a good time to take out the tripod. So I didn't get the shot. But after leaving the Shrine, but still in the Shrine park, I came upon two tall beautiful trees whose trunks looked as if they were giants walking. I set up the tripod and took their picture. When I got home, I looked at the picture and wished I had created a little more space around the trunk of the first tree. (See photo) I got up early this morning and was determined to go back to the Meiji Shrine - not for window light - but to take a better shot of the giants walking. By the time I got to the trees, the light was not good and I did not get the shot. So I walked out of the Meiji Shrine Park and ran right smack dab into the same cranky policeman who had told me a while back not to take my tripod into the Shrine Park. Seeing my tripod, he gave me the once over. But I don't think he remembered me. However, he once again said, "No tripod!" Oh boy.... I was never good at following all the rules.
Follow Kitty Kono's adventures as she makes her way through the world from Valley Forge to Just North of Antarctica and all parts in between.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Almost Arrested at the Meiji Shrine
Yesterday I walked to the Meiji Shrine to see if I could get a good photograph of one of the interior hallways within the shrine itself. My photo school assignment this week is "Window Light" and I remembered seeing good "window light" at the Meiji Shrine. I took my camera and my tripod and ventured forth. Now I must tell you a few months ago I had gone to the Meiji Shrine with my tripod and a policeman had stopped me and told me that I could not use my tripod. I could take photographs, but use of the tripod was not allowed under any circumstances. I thought at the time he told me this because I had the tripod set up and was taking pictures of HIM. And I thought he didn't like having his picture taken and that made him a little cranky, so he told me no tripod. Since then, I have been very careful to keep the tripod laid low, especially when I encounter the Meiji Shrine police.
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