Follow Kitty Kono's adventures as she makes her way through the world from Valley Forge to Just North of Antarctica and all parts in between.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
An Erratum
Today Ken and I had a great lunch in a Chinese restaurant with his old school mate Norio Mihira and his wife Slyvia. Mr. Mihira was for many years the Japanese commercial service officer in the Japanese Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia. He met his wife Sylvia while in Indonesia. They are just a wonderful couple. But what impressed me most is that Sylvia knows all the names of all the flowers and trees and plants here in Japan. I mentioned to her that I had taken a few photos of some cherry trees blooming in YoYogi Park late last month. And although they were beautiful, I thought it was another sign of global warming to have Cherry Trees blooming in February. Well Sylvia set me straight. They were not cherry trees, they were plum trees! Cherry trees will bloom when they are supposed to - in late March and early April. Sooo, this is an erratum to an earlier post. And the photo attached is a picture of blooming plum trees. So sorry for any confusion. And I will not blame George Bush for my mistake.
Enjoying your photo of plum trees