Follow Kitty Kono's adventures as she makes her way through the world from Valley Forge to Just North of Antarctica and all parts in between.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Laurie on Sassy
Two days ago I was at Valley Forge looking for beautiful birds at dusk when I saw a pretty woman on a beautiful horse riding towards me. The light was so good and I was so tempted to take her picture with my big long lens, but I didn't want to be rude, so I resisted the urge. A minute later she was right in front of me and stopped and asked what I photograph. I told her mostly birds and bugs and maybe a groundhog or two. She asked if I ever take people. I said yes - every once in a while. She asked if I would like to take a picture of her on her horse. I was thrilled!! I asked her if she could turn around and ride back up the trail so I could get a good vantage point. She was happy to comply - and voila - here's that shot.
I like the horse's fringey cap!