O.K. folks, it's been way too long since I posted something in this interminable blog. I am writing from our little hotel room in Lyon, France. Tom and I were on a long awaited honeymoon first to Paris and then on a Tauck riverboat cruise from Lyon to Cannes. We were having the time of our lives visiting museums in Paris, meeting Tom's sister and brother-in-law who came from Switzerland to spend the weekend with us. And then onto the cruise with the best food, the best people, the best tour guides, etc. Then about three days ago Tom got a bad cold and was a bit achy. The next morning we both took a covid test. I was negative, but he was positive. I went up to the Tauck director's desk and told the good lady director our problem. She quickly put on a game face, said for us to pack our bags. She called a taxi and we were off the boat before noon. Boom!! Oh well, we took a chance, but that covid still has its tentacles out there. Tom is now just about fine. Luckily we each had three boosters. We are wearing our N95 masks, watching lots of "Emily in Paris" on Netflix on my computer and eating way too many cold cuts in our room. If all goes well, we will be home by Thursday evening and will celebrate Tom's 76th birthday on Friday, October 14. For fun, here is a picture of us at the Musee de L'Orangerie in Paris before the adventure really began.