Saturday, September 28, 2024

"Bird Island" The Book

Well, I finally pushed the button on the Bird Island Book.  If you want to take a look, just click the link.  You can preview the whole book for free,  Don't buy it, it is way too expensive.

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Lovely Lacewing and Other Recent Favorites

Lacewing Beetle

Blue Faced Dragonfly
It's so wonderful to walk the fields of Valley Forge this time of year.  The bugs are bigger and more fully beautiful.  
The Lady Praying Mantis


Monday, August 26, 2024

Territorial Dispute

I was deep in the woods and came to a wetland where there were so many frogs hanging around.  I saw a green heron in the opposite side of the pool.  Walking through the high grass, I finally settled down next to the pool and waited and waited and waited.  Finally the Green Heron walked away from me and started squeaking and then up in the air another one flew and I was lucky enough to catch the shot.  I came back the next day and got a few more.  They are such photogenic birds.


Monday, August 19, 2024

Teenage Praying Mantises Posing for her Picture

This very morning in Valley Forge.   And the second one was in the field off of Ship Road in Malvern.  Oh they have such wonderful faces.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ailanthus Webworm Moth on a Purple Headed Sneezeweed. Say that ten times real fast......

This garish little moth posed for me this morning in the rain in Valley Forge.  See those little water droplets on the petals of the Sneezeweed??  
And here he is turning his head and looking right at the camera!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Bird Island!!!

I'm here on Bird Island in the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean east of Tanzania.  Truly a tropical island and a bird lover's paradise.  I'm here with two of my favorite photographers, Denise Ippolito and Paul McKenzie.  It is hotter than hot (at least 100 degrees most days), totally humid, bugs galore, but the photographic opportunities are incredible.  Here's a few of what we've found so far.

Sooty Tern Greeting

Sooty Tern - Tonsil Check

Seychelles Small Day Gecko - Look at those eyes!!

Tortoise at Sunrise on the Beach

Tiny Hermit Crab at Dawn

Talking to the Blue Crab

Fairy Tern Showing me her egg!!!!

Baby Fairy Tern waiting for Mom

Giant Tortoise - Could be over 100 years old

Blue Crab - My Favorite

Momma Fairy Tern feeding a fish to her baby

Noddy Terns in the Boudoir

Fruit Still Life

Tropic Bird - Look at that Tail

 Noddy Tern with Nesting Material

Noddy Terns in Love

Noddy Tern and Red Flower

Another of Mom and Babe Fairy Tern

Baby Noddy Tern


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

"Bluebirds" win Second Place in BetterPhoto March Contest!!

Mr. Bluebird offering a little treat to his sweetie.  This was at Brightside Park near our house in Charlestown Meadows.

Macrosiagon - Otherwise known as the Wedge Shaped Beetle - Look at those Antennae!!

Brand new bug for me.  And not such a good one.  I learned that they hang around flowers that wasps like.  Then the female beetle lays her eggs.  The eggs hatch and the larvae are carried by the wasp to their own nests.  "Instead of eating both the wasp's egg and the pollen stored in the nest, the wedge-shaped beetle larva waits for the host's egg to hatch, then burrows into the wasp larva. It consumes the larva from the inside for a while, then rips its way out of its still-living host, wraps itself around the poor host's neck like a spiny collar, and proceeds to eat away at its victim from the outside, eventually killing it." (Insects Their Natural History and Diversity). Oh what a world! 

Friday, June 14, 2024


 Baby Orchard Oriole begging mom for a little something to eat this morning in Valley Forge
And here is the beautiful Willow Flycatcher who was perched near the baby Orchard Oriole.  Another great morning in Valley Forge.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

A walk in the Field in Valley Forge

I got up early one morning this week and drove out to my favorite bug field in Valley Forge.  Oh, it was so good.  They are all young bugs for the most part.  Tiny and difficult to see, but they still have all their body parts.  Here's what I found:  First the Ambush Bug.  The ambush bug looks a little like a flower and hides on the side of a plant or on top of a flower and grabs his prey with his huge forearms.  

Then next was the Jumping Spider.  If you look closely you can see a reflection of my macro lens in each of his four front eyes.


Then came this imposter:   The Camouflage Looper Inch Worm.  He is a regular inchworm except that he bites off the flowers he is eating and using his spit, he glues the flowers onto his body to act as camouflage to his predators.  

And here is a plane old regular inchworm on a little flower. 
Finally the fabulous Robberfly.  Look at those compound eyes.  He is perched on a plant where the camouflage looper inchworm had gotten his camouflage.  Check it out by looking above at that looper.  Oh the wonders of nature.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Babies, Babies Everywhere!

Bunny in the Front Yard

Fawn in the High Grass

Baby Slug in the Morning

Bluebirds Before the Babies Arrive


Friday, May 10, 2024

We are in Slovenia!!

 Tom and I arrived in Slovenia a few days ago and we are exploring this beautiful little jewel of a country in the Balkans.  Here we are at Josip Tito's summer house overlooking Lake Bled.  See far in the distance is Bled Castle.  More to come.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Warblers Have Returned!!

 It was a spectacular day for the warblers return to Valley Forge.  Here are a few photos from today.

Prothonotary Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warbler

White Eyed Vireo

Northern Perula

Northern Perula

Northern Perula