Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Warblers Have Returned!!

 It was a spectacular day for the warblers return to Valley Forge.  Here are a few photos from today.

Prothonotary Warbler

Yellow Rumped Warbler

White Eyed Vireo

Northern Perula

Northern Perula

Northern Perula

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

First Palm Warbler of the Season. Woot, Woot!!

I was sitting on a log in the woods and far in the distance I saw this little bird.  When I looked a little closer, I realized it was one of maybe three palm warblers playing and eating in the woods. Beautiful perch.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse in Valley Forge

Such a fun day today.  I went with my friend Alison and her sister Leslie to see the eclipse in Valley Forge.  We had no expectations, but it was a spectacular sight none-the-less.  There were lots of people there, lots of kids, lots of dogs, lots of sunglasses.  A really fun wonderful day for Valley Forge.  In the sky there were a lot of clouds. We would get little stretches of great sitings of the eclipse and then all would disappear back under the clouds.  I had no filter for my camera and was scared to death if I took a picture and might ruin the sensor.  Well the clouds became my filter and I got a couple good shots.  That's Alison checking out the sun through her eclipse glasses.  Could not have been more fun.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Coyote in Valley Forge!!

 What a day!!  I had first come across a fox with a vole in his mouth.  As I raised my camera to take his picture he disappeared into the brush.  I walked another minute or two, turned around and there was the coyote.  The coyote walked calmly into the bush and out ran three deer who posed for me on the top of the ridge.  Got to love a day like that.