I know the winter is getting closer because it is much colder outside. That means fewer little critters outside willing to have their picture taken. Oh, it could be a long winter...... but luckily for us, we live in an old, old house and every once in a while a little critter crawls inside to get some warmth.
This morning, in fact, Yumiko had a friend over for a little sleep over. While they were in the kitchen making breakfast, I was in the living-room straightening up and there to my delight was a tiny little spider crawling up the wall. Now, I know most people would be totally horrified at the sight, but I was thrilled. I could see the little guy was taking his time, so I ran and got my camera and my tripod. I knew taking a picture of the spider on the wall probably would not produce a very dramatic shot, so I scooped up the spider on a piece of paper and carried him over to the coffee table. I found a blue C.D. sitting on the table and the light was just right coming in the window. I put the spider on the C.D. and he sat there for a little while - a bit stunned at all the commotion. And here is what I got. (By the way, after the photo shoot, I did pick up the spider and took him outside where he belonged.)