I decided to head into the woods and look for owls. To get into the woods I had to climb a little five foot embankment. With the heavy cameras and lenses and tripod, my footing could be quite challenging. As I was headed up, I noticed a few people walking my way. I look rather strange - this short older lady with tick pants, high boots, floppy hat and huge cameras and lenses trying to maneuver up a five foot embankment. I bent over and pushed my way up, but almost tripped causing the equipment to be jerked a bit, but I made it and quickly crossed into the woods trying to evade the eyes of the curious onlookers. I made it all the way across one deep woods. The floor of the woods was just beautiful filled with all colors of fall leaves and lots of acorns. I kept my eyes up in the trees looking for anybody who might wish to pose. Finally I got to a clearing and saw a little black eyed junco. I put down the tripod and turned on the camera to take the picture, but the viewfinder was black! Nothing, no light. What happened?? I checked again - nothing. I turned the camera on its side and could see that my battery chamber was empty. Oh my gosh!! Probably while I was scrambling up the embankment, I jerked the camera so much that I loosened the battery chamber and the big battery came out along with the battery cover. Many bad words came from my mouth.
But, I was determined to the best of my ability to find the GD battery. I looked all around where I was and found nothing. I set up the heavy camera and lens securely on the tripod because walking all the way back to the embankment with the camera was just too much work. I traced my steps - but with all the leaves I had no idea if I was even following the same path. I got back to the embankment - searched and searched and searched and no battery or battery cover. I traced my steps back again through the woods to where I'd set up the camera and tripod. Dejectedly, I folded the tripod and walked back again to the embankment with all my heavy equipment. When I got back to the embankment while I was again looking for the battery I saw a beautiful big nursery spider in the leaves. Well, what was I here for? I changed the memory card back into the camera with the macro lens and just forgot my troubles and took many pictures of this beautiful bearded spider.

Indeed. As a friend recently said (quoting, I think) -- Every day that goes by well is a feast.