Every single minute of every single day of the Tanzanian safari was pure joy. We would leave our sleeping quarters a little after 6:00 a.m. and ride in land rovers with pop tops over bumpy, dusty dirt paths all day and into the early evening. We would have a picnic lunch out there somewhere with the hyenas looking on. I was too short to see over the top of the land rover, so would stand on the seats holding on for dear life. When someone spotted a cheetah or lion or whatever, I would haul my ten pound bean bag up onto the railing at the top of the land rover, then haul my big lens up there too and try to focus and take a picture before the action stopped. I truly could not have been happier. Not only was the wildlife magnificent, but there is no way this would have happened without the professional, experienced and good hearted guides who knew exactly where every lion, every bat eared fox, every python, could be located, every minute, every hour, every day. Oh it was so much fun!! From left is: James Urio, Maulidi Omari, Yuda Mkai, yours truly, Steven Massey and Emmanuel Joseph.
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